Aquatic Center Research
Aquatic Center Research
- Patients with osteoarthritis demonstrated significantly decreased pain and improved overall function following 6 weeks of aquatic therapy when compared to controls1
- In patients with fibromyalgia, an aquatic therapy program was found to be effective at improving pain, sleep quality and physical/cognitive function, as well as an improved adherence to their exercise programs2
- With patients suffering from stroke, aquatic therapy proved superior to conventional therapy in Berg Balance Scale scores3
Works Cited
- Hinman, R. S., Heywood, S. E., & Day, A. R. (2007). Aquatic physical therapy for hip and knee osteoarthritis: results of a single-blind randomized controlled trial. Phys Ther, 87(1), 32-43
- Munguia-Izquierdo, D., & Legaz-Arrese, A. (2008). Assessment of the effects of aquatic therapy on global symptomatology in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 89(12), 2250-2257
- Noh, D. K., Lim, J. Y., & Palik, N. J. (2008). The effect of aquatic therapy on postural balance and muscle strength in stroke survivors – a randomized controlled pilot trial. Clin Rehabil,22(10), 966-976
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